Thursday, February 25, 2010

Can I just say that being sick sucks!?!
I think I have a sinus infection, so at least it's nothing serious but still... major stinkage. I hate when you can't breathe through your nose.
A few things I'll try to update on if I find energy:
1. A mini haul. I think I'll do that tonight cause you don't necessarily need to see me
2. I got my haircut yesterday! It was only like 1 1/2 inches off but I added some face angles and stuff. I don't have my straightener with me at Zach's so if I do take a picture, you'll see how crazy my hair is. I most definitely liked it more before I cut it but hair grows back so whatevs. It needed it but after this experience I shall only be getting trims. And the women who cut it was very, very harsh with my hair and she pulled out one of my earrings! It's not like it's a bad haircut, it's very similar to a cut I had when I was 18 & I loved that cut. I just feel like the way my hair was before was better for my face and stuff. It did sorta just hang there though (which I didn't mind, ha) & now I can say it def does not.
^ I can't believe I really just wrote that much about a haircut, haha.
I was supposed to have play rehearsal and now I don't.. so now I'm up for no reason, ba hum bug. I'm going to go try to lay back down with Zachary. Expect an update laterrrrrrr.

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